Today is 1st day of June 2014. The very half of the year. It also mark our one month in existence. We've not grown as much as we want but with your support we are marking good strides. We can't motivate our self without motivating you our ardent followers and readers.
On 1st of January we made some resolutions and plans, resolving on some bad habits to quit and deciding on some good ones to inculcate in order to help us achieve maximum results and attain our potentials in 2014.
Today is the perfect opportunity to go back to the drawing board, to ask those probing questions, to do self appraisal and know if we are heading towards the right direction.
What are the challenges? Is it self determination? What can we do to accelerate to higher ground? As we approach the end of 1st half of the year, I want to remind you that its not over yet. Its still possible, you can still win. Its just the first half gone.
One of my hobbies is Football, and Like most things in life, its a game of two halves. I draw inspiration from big games, great comebacks. Nicking that winning goal in the dying minute. I have watched many great games, but I still like to inspire myself with few. If Man Utd could come back and nick it against Bayern Munich in 1999 UCL Final. If Liverpool could come back from 3 nil down against AC Milan and win the UEFA Champions League Final in 2005 in Istanbul, then everything is still possible for you this year.
Dig in, work harder, be determined and I can assure you that the strong door always open for that man that is determined on his dreams. And remember, to give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.
On that note, we wish you a SUCCESSFUL NEW MONTH.
From all of us at oceandominic blog spot, we say,
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